Azteca Flies
Dry Flies II
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Dry Flies It may seem strange that trout would prefer to eat land based insects over the many aquatic bugs
available to them. You must remember that unlike hatching mayflies they are available to the fish virtually all year round.
Trout have an entire season to learn what they look and taste like. They must be considered by the fish as an abundant dependable
surface floating pray. Ant patterns will catch trout anywhere unlike mayfly patterns where you should try and match the hatch.
Even when there are hatches on the water some time during the day there will be at least one lengthy period when few flies
are hatching. This normally occurs in the afternoon. This is the time to get out an ant pattern. If you come across a picky
feeder who will not take your mayfly pattern, do not abandon it without showing the fish an ant fly. Once when I was on vacation
I arrived on a river completely unprepared for the large hatch of tiny Blue winged olives. I didn't have any dry fly small
enough. I tried a few ant flies and managed to tempt a few of the feeders away from the mayfly feast. |