Azteca Flies
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ANT DRY FLIES A Scientist studied the eating habits of rainbow, brown and Brook trout during the months of July/August and
found that no other food dominated their menu so heavily as ants. The proportion in some of the trout was as much as 80%.
Flying ants swarm at this time of the year. They 'rain' down on lakes and rivers by their billions and attract fish to the
surface. At the beginning of a swarm when the ants fall rather sparsely, the fish are easy to catch. During the peak of the
swarm the real ants are too numerous and a fish rarely takes an imitation by mistake, but the situation changes again towards
the end of the swarm. For weeks after the fish are obsessed with this source of food and ant flies are remain one of the best
flies to use. Even when there are no swarms have a look at over hanging trees. If ants are climbing up their trunks, exploring
the leaves for food, some will fall. A floating ant fly might just tempt that hungry trout lurking in the shade. The English
Fly Fishing Shop carries a range of black and red ant flies. Ants may be fished very simply, like freely drifting dry flies.
As the fish find them easily enough, no special tricks are required. |